Ventilation is a key element of home construction. Without it, your house will not function properly and will be susceptible to a range of problems. The attic is one of the best places to implement a ventilation system. Warm air rises, making the peak of your roof and the attic the perfect place to expel unwanted air.

A ridge vent is one of the most commonly installed ventilation systems in a home. Nearly all roofing companies are able to install this on your home, and many will implement it by default in a complete roof replacement. As a homeowner though, you may be confused about how this device functions, how it works, and why it's essential. We've got the answers to your frequently asked questions.

What Is a Ridge Vent? Where Is the Ridge Vent Located?

The purpose of ridge vents is to promote airflow throughout the home. They are installed at the highest point of your home, right on the peak of your roof. Typically, this involves cutting a slot so that air has a clear path to escape. If you own an asphalt shingled roof, your roofing contractors will add ridge cap shingles and a baffle to help seal the slot. This prevents rain and snow from entering your roof during crosswinds, and will also deter pests from setting up residency. Additionally, these cap shingles help create a seamless appearance. 

For maximum ventilation, vents are also added to the eave of your roof during a soffit installation. This allows fresh air to enter your attic from the sides, rise, and escape through the ridge vent. 

Consequences of Not Installing One on Your Home

Many homes do not feature a ridge vent, but this can create a multitude of problems. Ventilation is absolutely critical to a healthy home, so always be sure that you invest in a ridge vent. If you don't currently have one, a roofing company like Feazel can provide one.

Without a ridge vent, your home will be vulnerable to:

  • Moisture Accumulation: Air naturally has a high moisture content. When it becomes stagnant, this water is released into the surrounding environment. When air is trapped in your home with no escape, water will begin to accumulate.
  • Mold Growth: Mold loves moisture. Once water begins to collect in places like your attic, because of improper airflow, it's only a matter of time before mold begins growing.
  • Accelerated Roofing Decay: Moisture in your attic can begin to weaken the roof. Nails and staples will work their way loose, resulting in missing roofing materials and shingles.

Contact an Remodeling Team Like Feazel Today

Unless you'd like to experience the moisture-related problems listed above, it's absolutely critical that you install a ridge vent in your home. By hiring Feazel, you can be sure that this product will always be provided. We have been the top remodeling company since 1988, and have earned a prestigious A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. All our roofers are GAF Master Elite contractors and we have a wide variety of services you can take advantage of, including:

  • Roof Replacements, Repair, and Installation
  • Home Exteriors
  • Commercial Installations
  • Storm Damage

Get in touch with a team member today to receive a free quote customized to your project!