In this season of friends, family, fun and parties, it can be hard to think gratefully. So what better time than this season of gratitude is there to start a family tradition of gratefulness?

This month, we celebrate Thanksgiving, so November is a great time of year to really slow down and count your blessings.

And what a gift you will give your children (one they will remember long after the presents have been opened and played) to teach them gratitude.

Here are Five Family Traditions to Start Now. Read on:

Give Back

Many people think of charitable giving this year and we can’t think of a better time to donate funds to causes and non-profits that do work that speak to your family’s values and ideals.

Even young children can take part in deciding where the family’s annual giving budget goes, and they’ll feel good knowing they helped someone in need.

Gratitude Jar

This is a family tradition that you can do all year. Grab a big jar and take turns putting in what you are grateful for every evening after dinner. At the end of the year, you’ll have so many blessings to count, that you’ll be amazed.

Pay it forward

Everyone loves to do random acts of kindness, right? And we’ve found that the more times you do something kind, the better you feel. These random acts can be as simple as offering a helping hand or buying coffee for someone behind you in line. You can also bake treats for a friend or rake your neighbor’s leaves. The point is, do something selflessly and let your children be a part of the process.

Memory Lane

One of the things you are probably most grateful for is the years of memories built up after time with friends and family. This year, start a family tradition of talking about those memories with your children and telling them how grateful you are to have made them. You can even get other family members involved during the annual feast.


One of the best ways to be grateful and to honor this season is to simply spend time with loved ones. Slow down and savor the togetherness, while doing something as simple as playing a board game, watching a movie or taking a walk outside.

At Feazel, we hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season full of gratitude and blessings.