Squirrel on the deck of a home.

Are you worried about animals in the attic? Raccoons, rats, squirrels, and birds often make homes in hidden areas. For over 20 years, Feazel has been helping families add protection to their homes. We’ve seen it all and have compiled some ways you can prepare your home in case of an animal infestation.

Signs That There Are Animals in Your Attic

Unusual noises, sporadic outages, and even leaking roofs can all be traced back to animals in the attic. But how do animals get into the attic? Here are a couple of common ways:

  • Exposed Structure: Storm damage and age can weaken your home’s exterior with lifted siding and cracked shingles. If an animal sees an opportunity to get in, it will. Clever creatures will use this opportunity to make holes for them to access your roof.
  • Climbing Areas: Animals can run and climb places we can’t. High branches next to your roof are commonly used by squirrels to access your home. Animals can also get in through gutters and soffits for higher access points.

Damage From Animals

Although you may not see the damage right away, it can add up. From making warm nests to being curious about the space around them, animals will cause damage. So what damage can animals cause in the attic? In addition to unsanitary droppings, they can leave behind clawed-up foundations. Wiring, plumbing, and insulation are all common victims when an animal gets inside of your home.

You might be wondering, how do I remove animals from my attic? One of the safest ways is by hiring an expert. Professional wildlife removals will find and relocate animals so that both you and the creatures are safe.

How Can I Prevent Animals From Entering My Home?

There are measures you can take to prevent damage from occurring. Hire a qualified exterior remodeling company that makes roof repairs right away. A full-service company can also install features, such as roof boots and gutter guards, that limit access points for small animals.

Feazel is one of the best choices for protectant home exteriors. Whether you want to protect your home from damage or prevent animals from getting into your large commercial building, our team is here to help. Call us today to learn more about our exterior services including roofing, windows, storm damage reports, and more! Schedule your complimentary home inspection today when you submit our online form!