It’s said that the eyes are the window to your soul, but as home improvement experts, we think your home’s windows are its eyes. If your home’s eyes are looking a little worse for wear – or if they just aren’t keeping your house warm or cool as you’d like – it might be time to consider new replacement windows.

And if you are thinking about new replacement windows, November is an excellent time to get going on this project. It’s not yet freezing cold and the holidays are still weeks away. Also, it’s kind of a quiet time for many home renovation professionals, meaning you can get your new replacement windows quickly.

So why should you be considering new replacement windows this month? Read on. We’re sharing three reasons why it’s a good idea.

Energy Efficiency

Let’s face it: Winter is inevitable. The wind will howl and the snow will fly, but if you have new, energy efficient windows, you can rest assured that your home will be snug and warm. Replacement window technology has improved, so if your windows are more than 15 years old, chances are they are in need of an energy efficient upgrade.

Investment Value

If you are planning to sell your home in the next few years, investing in new replacement windows is a great idea. Putting new, energy efficient windows in your home is a big selling point to buyers and it will also enhance your home’s curb appeal.

Low Maintenance

If your windows aren’t as good as they used to be – or if they have always been sub-par – November is a great time to shop for and purchase new replacement windows. Imagine forgetting about maintenance projects like scraping and painting or fixing a cracked pane or broken lock. Imagine not feeling a draft when you walk by. Invest in new windows and say hello to several maintenance free years.

Feazel can help with new replacement windows

At Feazel, we want to help you choose the best replacement windows for your home. Check us out today!